Since @_MG_ posted the first video of his O.MG-cable about a year ago I have been so excited and followed his work closely from twitter and on his blog .
Now the cable can be bought in hak5s shop and as soon as it was available in the shop I placed an order. I really enjoy hacking gadgets and have really enjoyed playing with BadUSB so the thought of now being able to run the same payloads on command via a lightning cable with an implant is out of this world.

The price in the shop is $129 and I paid ~$170 + duty for the cable including shipping to Sweden. I was surprised on how quickly I received it. I got the cable delivered within two working days from USA. Unfortunately I got the first cable with hardware fault so I had to wait some more time.

I spent some hours troubleshooting the cable together with MG himself via Slack and after we verified that the cable was faulty he told me to get a replacement cable. MG seems like a really good guy and I really appreciate what he has done with this cable. On the other hand the support from Hak5 were really slow and a disappointment. Without the help from MG I would probably have had to wait months to get a new replacement cable. Three weeks after getting the faulty cable I now have a new cable in my hand which works perfect so I’m really happy now.
I didn’t have too much time to spend this evening but after flashing the cable with the firmware I tried some basic payloads and it seems to be working great. Later this week I will try to record while I run some of my best (most evil) payloads so I can share it with you and show you which possibilities you have with this cable.